The 1960’s Best Dressed Leading Men

1960's Leading Men Style

The 1960’s produced some of the most stylish men of our time. Whenever I watch a movie from that era I usually walk away with something I want to try. A color combo, different textures, perhaps even a skinny tie… wait, no skinny ties for me.

Of all these pictures, I like Connery’s the most. Pulling off a polo shirt and slacks can be tricky for me. I usually prefer a polo shirt with cashmere in it when trying this look, otherwise I end up looking like a golfer. The watch is critical in the picture mentioned, it pulls the look together.

Henry Fonda

Michael Caine

Sean Connery

Cary Grant
Cary Grant 1960's Style

Paul Newman
Paul Newman 1960's Style

Sidney Poitier
Sidney Poitier 1960's Mens Style

Steve McQueen
Steve McQueen 1960's Style

Rock Hudson
Rock Hudson 1960's Mens Style Icons

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