
In September of 2013 my wife and I moved from Seattle to Saigon to live for a year and a half. Due to my plan on having a custom wardrobe tailored one piece at a time while living here (and the limited space in my luggage) I left my entire wardrobe at home save for my blue cotton travel blazer, a white dress shirt, and one pair of brown check dress pants. About three months in I became “clothes sick” — read as homesick, only for my wardrobe — so I decided to start blogging about my true passion, men’s style, and being a modern gentleman in this post modern world.

Post + Modern was founded with the goal of helping men find their style, go out into the world each day with confidence, and learn to be comfortable with themselves. I believe that dressing well, much like proper table manners, shows respect to both yourself and those around you. My friends say I have a keen wit, refined style, and a sometimes twisted sense of humor  — I hope you will find the same in reading this blog.


Ryan Markham

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