Tweed Jackets for Fall From Austin Reed, Cordings, & Magee 1866

harris tweed logo tweed jackets for fall

Tweed is one of my favorite fabrics. The subtle and sometimes not so subtle nature of the color combinations usually used allow for exquisite pairing of accessories and matching of colors throughout your outfit. You can pick up colors from some of the specks or from a windowpane pattern. The various shades of the main color create a visual interest not found in most other fabrics. Yet most importantly, I like tweed because it reminds me of fall. It reminds me of the country and of the fun I had exploring the country as a child. No, I’m not old enough to have worn tweed jackets while hiking and camping. I do, however, have a tweed poncho I wore in Boy Scouts that I recently found my mother was about to throw away.

History of Tweed

You’ve heard the saying, “You can’t know where you’re going until you know where you’ve been.” With that in mind I will provide a brief rundown on the history of tweed.

The cloth that would become known as tweed was originally created in Ireland and Scotland. The name either came from the Tweed River and Tweed Valley in Scotland or from the the word Scottish word “tweel,” which means “twill.”

Due to its camouflaging properties, tweed was extremely popular with hunters in England, Ireland and Scotland. If you’d like additional reading on this topic, I recommend this article on the history of tweed from Gentleman’s Gazette.

Now that you know a little about the history of tweed, let’s get to the good stuff. Below you’ll find six tweed jackets from Austin Reed, Magee 1866, and Cordings.

Tweed Jackets for Fall

Austin Reed Light Green Tweed Jacket austin reed tweed jacket


Austin Reed Dark Green Herringbone Tweed Jacket

austin reed herringbone tweed jacket


Magee 1866 Charcoal Tweed Jacket

magee 1866 charcoal tweed jacket 

Magee 1866 Lightweight Blue Tweed Jacket

magee 1866 lightweight blue tweed jacket

Cordings Blue Check Tweed Jacket

cordings blue tweed jacket


Cordings Brown Harris Tweed Jacket

cordings brown harris tweed jacket

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