Have you ever wondered why some dress shoes are more expensive than others? Better materials translate into higher costs, but construction methods also come into play. In this post, I will discuss Goodyear welting and recommend a few dress shoe manufacturers who sell Goodyear welted dress shoes.
What is Goodyear Welting?
A shoe with a Goodyear welt has a sole that has been sewn onto the shoe. The benefit of this process is the longevity of the shoe. Goodyear welted dress shoes can be taken apart and the soles can be replaced. The advantage of this method is that the shoe is more water-resistant. The major drawback is the added bulkiness and wider sole.
Image courtesy of www.loake.co.uk
History of Goodyear Welted Dress Shoes
The Goodyear welt process was invented in 1869 by Charles Goodyear Jr. Interestingly, his father was Charles Goodyear, namesake of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. The Goodyear welt process has become standard for many high-end shoemakers. Goodyear welted shoes can last 20 or more years because the shoe can be re-soled.
How Goodyear Welted Shoes Are Made
I searched high and low and this is the best video I found showing how Goodyear welted shoes are made.
Recommended Goodyear Welted Shoemakers
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