Custom Watch Roll & Passport Case

Watch Roll and Passport Case

Sometimes you just can’t find what it is you’re looking for. If you have the right tools at your disposal or know someone with the skills needed to make a custom item, you will always be glad you chose the custom option over something less suited to your tastes.

Before leaving the U.S. for Vietnam I had noticed watch rolls online and decided to make my own. My mother is a skilled seamstress so together we made a watch roll to keep my timepieces protected while traveling. Because it does such a great job protecting all of my timepieces, I have dubbed it the Trojan Watch Roll. Designing can be quite fun and we had a blast figuring out how to put it together – we cursed a little too. There’s nothing better than hearing your mother drop the f-bomb.

I purchased the leather from a local leather works store and cotton canvas from the local craft store. Most leather works stores I’ve been in have very friendly managers, who are in the business because they are craftsmen themselves, so pick their brains a bit when you visit one. Tell them what you’re trying to make and they will help you pick the right leather for the job.

With the left over material we were able to make a passport case as well. This saved me some money and whenever I use either my custom watch roll or passport case I am reminded of home (and my mother swearing).

Custom Watch Roll & Passport Case Pics

Watch Roll and Passport Case Custom Passport Case and Watch Roll Leather & Canvas Passport Case Green Leather Passport Case Closed Watch Roll Open Timex Watch & Watch Roll


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