Berluti Clark Kent or Bruce Wayne Quiz

Berluti Which Superhero Are You?

Growing up, what boy doesn’t wish to be a superhero? The ideals engrained in us as children through comic books, cartoons and movies live on inside us as adults. Think back to when you were 8 years old. Who would you have wanted to be then; Superman or Batman? I was always a Batman fan. Keep reading to see if my loyalties have changed. Today may be the last day to take the Berluti superhero quiz. The quiz is short, has terrific graphics, and is filled with fun questions like this.

To compensate for your vision problems, you chose to:

  • Buy sturdy, practical eyeglasses for which you will be reimbursed by your health insurance.
  • Order revolutionary new contact lenses you read about in a science magazine.
  • Squint.

I won’t spoil the fun with anymore information. However, I will tell you the quiz determined that I am like Bruce Wayne. Which superhero are you?

Berluti Clark Kent or Bruce Wayne

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